Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why does my beta fish always float to the top?

Anything you try that's good for other fish will not be in vain,hopefully he's not sick, That sideways thing, might mean sick, I've experienced that with my fish, get some Ick medicine, it can't hurt, it's only a couple bucks, try warmer water maybe, if it's below 70, but just a gradual heat up, like a degree or 2 a day, put a thermometer in it, like I always use the floating ones, also only a couple bucks, give him areas to hide in like you would use in a regular aquarium, Betta's like to go inside logs, rocks, broken sunken ships, etc. too. Could be too that he just likes those spots, but the floating up like a balloon thing doesn't sound good, Is he just floating around with nowhere to climb into? Even some of that plastic greenery floating around, My Betta was in a 3 gallon big bowl, I spoiled him rotten, you might be cleaning his water too often also maybe, I only cleaned mine once a month, check a fish store or book or internet and see if they need the same nitrate levels and whatever other levels in the tank that are important, maybe their important for betta's too, I just know my Betta thrived with only 1X a month cleanings. maybe even try a tiny pellet food like I used, they float and if he didn't eat within the hour, I took it out with an old plastic spoon, used just for him. Mine had a mirror too, to think he had a neighbor, he would flare out his fins cuz he thought another male was in there with him, so maybe they need a little adrenalin rush once in a while, hey! Just a few or moe things, you can try, maybe even a girlfriend, the girls are blah looking, males have the prettiest flaring fins and brighter colors. Good Luck! Treat them special and they'll thrive.

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